Gaul radiates warmth on stage and her personality shines through as she makes sure she greets everyone as we enter and take our seats. She is personable and friendly and when she recreates her passport and drivers license photo IDs she becomes someone we could sit there and listen to all night and still be entertained.
Her ability to express herself so clearly with her rapid rate of speech is a gift and results in some wonderful storytelling, including what would happen if she were to be cast on The Bachelorette and another on collective nouns (some real, some creative), and who doesn't love a humourous and educational ditty about collective nouns?
Her confidence on stage becomes even more apparent with her acknowledgement and inclusion of external noises or audiences members stepping out of the room (it was only one person) seamlessly into her show. Gaul’s skill in writing songs that are grounded in truth and sincerity that the entire audience can instantly relate to is evident from the opening number. Her performance of a highly amusing sea shanty about not ghosting your date is the icing on this musical comedy cake.
Gaul has us come to the realisation that maybe being as happy as quokkas or Boost Juice workers isn't all it's cracked up to be. Maybe being happy comes with just being a good person. And while happiness can't last forever, Gaul makes sure that with Happy At Times, we can at least have 55 minutes of pure, joyful happiness.
Venue: Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St, Carlton
Season: until 23 April | 9:15pm
Duration: 55 minutes
Tickets: $24 Full | $22 Conc
Bookings: Melbourne International Comedy Festival
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