Sunday, 29 May 2016

Songs and Sexcapades review

Based on her online sex blog, Fifi La Boom! has come to Melbourne to beguile audiences with her show, Songs and Sexcapades. The cabaret/burlesque performer recalls various sexual (mis)adventures she has had while singing some of her favourite songs.

Despite the initial allure of this premise, sadly, that’s all that Songs and Sexcapades seems to be; Fifi telling us stories and singing, with not much else. The songs felt lacking in originality and zest with Fifi simply singing over the track and throwing in a quick line here or there to link back to her story. There is no engagement with the song itself and apart from the final number, it never feels like Fifi carries the tune, nor does she project her voice out to the audience.

The stories covered are, like the songs, entertaining but again nothing new. They feel like familiar tales that have been told time and time again. Fifi’s storytelling style is fun but when the narrative has nothing but content that has been heard before, it is difficult to retain the attention of your audience, particularly when you are performing on a bare stage without a single prop or set piece. 

Having some simple items or visual cues would have been highly favourable for this show, especially as for almost the entire hour, Fifi remains standing behind the microphone. Some stage direction could potentially also have aided the show in providing something by which the audience can be engaged or stimulated. The single burlesque routine felt rushed and didn’t seem to consist of much of the pleasing teasing or flamboyant performance that is generally required for a successful act. 

With the amount of sex-themed shows of all varieties being performed, it would seem there needs to be more to this show than just Fifi La Boom! behind a microphone. While on paper Songs and Sexcapades appears to be a fun show, I feel more creative input was required to make it fulfill its potential as a unique and entertaining experience. 

Venue: The Butterfly Club, 5 Carson Place, Melbourne 
Season: Until 29 May| Sun 8.30pm 
Tickets: $32 Full | $28 Conc 
Bookings: The Butterfly Club

*Original review appeared on Theatre Press on 29 May 2016.

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