What could be more fun than a gay cruise? Nothing, according to
engaged couple Alex and Ben and their best men, Stephen and Anthony,
as they board a gay cruise ship for one final hoorah before their
nuptials. Being performed as part of the 2015 Midsumma Festival, it’s fun,
sexy and camp laughs in David Peake‘s original musical The Big Gay
Cruise, directed by Leigh Barker and presented by Adam J. Lowe.
Alex and Ben (Brenton Cosier and Will Atkinson) are soon to be married and with their wedding day approaching, insecurities and fear are heightened. I would have loved to see more focus on this storyline in Peake’s script and an exploration of the secret that is revealed in the second act rather than splitting off to various sideline stories for the support cast. These characters may have had some genuinely funny moments, but I was not as emotionally invested in their story as I was about Alex and Ben’s. I felt more focus on the central couple would have kept the narrative more entertaining, with a stronger pay-off at the end.
Alex and Ben (Brenton Cosier and Will Atkinson) are soon to be married and with their wedding day approaching, insecurities and fear are heightened. I would have loved to see more focus on this storyline in Peake’s script and an exploration of the secret that is revealed in the second act rather than splitting off to various sideline stories for the support cast. These characters may have had some genuinely funny moments, but I was not as emotionally invested in their story as I was about Alex and Ben’s. I felt more focus on the central couple would have kept the narrative more entertaining, with a stronger pay-off at the end.